About Me

Hello! I’m Bethany

Hand Calligrapher & Lettering Instructor


Hey!! I’m so happy you stopped by! Do you love coffee? I hope so, because I’ve got a fresh pitcher of iced coffee in the fridge! We can sip while we hang out! …I so wish you could all really stop by! We could chat a lovely afternoon away while we make a wonderfull mess in the studio!

All my life I have loved the arts, haven’t you? My favorite time of the school year growing up was when our school entered academic and fine arts competition season!! I loved getting to paint and do all things artsy!! It actually goes way further back than that! I remember as a young child hiding out in our basement for hours many days on end, “practicing my picture” that I dreamed of entering in our state fair. I loved creating children’s books complete with pictures, characters, and plot. A few years ago I found one of these books that I had signed age 7.

I think we inherit this love of creativity because we are created beings. We are created by a very thoughtful and loving Creator! And He created so much beauty in this world for our pleasure! Creating beauty is, in many ways, an extension of worship and loving our master Creator. Countless times, as I’m examining the intricacies of a flower in an attempt to somehow capture a bit of its nature, I’ll whisper my love and adoration for the Creator of such beauty!

My heart’s desire is to draw my own heart closer to my Father, and prayerfully, humbly I hope to inspire others toward this as well. That’s the ultimate goal! To bring honor and glory back to The Creator!!

But my story doesn’t stop there! I met my husband in college, and he was a missions major. Right after graduation, we got married and started down our own path into missions. We had two kids right away, and were on the mission field of Japan in less than six years. This began a journey of attempting to learn a whole new set of skills, many of which I will never master. I remember back to those early years of being on the field, and art and painting just pulling at me. I think I needed it. I’ve always needed a creative outlet. I would get out my kids’ dollar store watercolors and whatever paper I could find and make a huge mess of our dining room. I distinctly remember telling my cousin that I knew that when I got older and had time, art would be my hobby. I think I called it my “old lady hobby”! Ha! I find that hilarious now, about 15 years later! I don’t feel like an old lady yet! My mom still has one of those dollar store watercolors hanging in her living room.

I homeschooled my children for many years, until my oldest two were in junior high and high school. What a fun adventure that was!! I will always have a love and passion for homeschooling! I think in the hustle and bustle of trying to learn to read and write, learn our math facts, and geography that art easily gets lost in the shuffle. I dream of helping busy homeschool moms with this! Of providing a great place for both moms and kids alike to gather together, grab whatever supplies they have, and create along with me! We all have an artist inside us that is just waiting to be discovered!!

I hope to meet you all over in the studio right away!! It will be a great joy to see some of your creations!!

Behind the Scenes

Watch my Process


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